ネイティブの先生から英語を覚えるには句動詞Phrasal verbsが大事と言われました。日本では余り浸透していない句動詞という言葉。英会話を勉強するには句動詞が大事です。
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「始末する」という意味もある take care of ~ I'll take care the dishes.
「注ぎ足す」という意味の句動詞 top off ~ top off my drink
「脱着を手伝う」を help を使って表現する ~ help her into her coat
「hold out on」と「hide」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 何か「情報・貴重なもの」を他の人と共有しない、何かを「視界・知識」から隠し秘密にする
「hold out」と「wait」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 何かを提供する、忍耐と期待に時間を費やし耐える
「結局 ~ した」は英語でどういう?~ end up
「hold on to」と「keep」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 何かを安全に確実に保持する、「状態を維持する・規則に従う」
「たどり着いた」を make it で表現する ~ made it to the lecture
「go on」と「continue」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — ためらいがある状態で誰かに先に進むよう促す、緊迫感を呼び起こすことなく行動がシームレスに進行する
「give up」と「surrender」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 「困難・落胆」によって試みをやめる、「戦争・法的手続き」などにおいて完全に主導権を引き渡す
「give in」と「yield」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 圧力に屈する・敗北を認める、「誰か・何か」に道を譲る
「get away」と「escape」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 「場所・状況」から一時的に離れる、強い緊迫感を伴う「劇的な・大胆な」離脱
「get along with」と「be friendly with」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 相互尊重に基づいたより永続的な関係、社交性の外面的な関係に焦点を当てている
「ヤンキー座り」は英語でどういう? ~ I can't crouch anymore.
「get across」と「communicate」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 「メッセージ・アイデア」を他の人に伝える、受信者の理解度が重要
Hello, everyone.The state of emergency declared by the government on January 7 Today, one week has passed.Coronavirus infections have been on the rise nationwide since then. Unfortunately, the spread of the infection has not been halted.As usual, I used the translation app "Deepl" to write this, so …
Hello, everyone.In Japan, when the New Year arrives, traditional dishes called "Osechi" are served on the family dining table. Today's Osechi is a blend of Japanese and Western styles, and can be purchased as frozen food through mail order.As usual, I used the translation app "Deepl" to write this, …
Hello, everyone.Today I would like to write about the Japanese New Year.In Japan, the period from January 1st to the 3rd, which comes after the new year, is called “Sanganichi". Many Japanese may know the term but may not be able to clearly answer its meaning. In this article, I will explain about t…
Hello, everyone.Soba is a familiar part of the Japanese diet. This article explains the history and meaning of "Toshikoshi-soba," a culture of eating soba at the end of the year.As usual, I used the translation app "Deepl" to write this, so please forgive any grammar mistakes😅 History of Toshikoshi-…
Hello, everyone.In Japan, there is a culture of cleaning at the end of the year to welcome the New Year. My friend who lives overseas told me that there is no particular culture of cleaning at the end of the year.So I tried to find out why they started cleaning at the end of the year in Japan.As usu…
Nice to meet you all.Please allow me to introduce myself first. My nationality is Japanese, and I am a normal father with two children. My hobby is traveling. Currently, I am running a travel agency in Tokyo.To tell you the truth, I can hardly speak English. I write this blog using the translation a…
Hello, everyone.Today's theme is about Japan's amphibious planes.As usual, I used the translation app "Deepl" to write this, so please forgive any grammar mistakes😅Until the mid-1960s, there were regular flights from Itami Airport flying to Nanki-Shirahama and Niihama. As airport development progres…
Hello, everyone.Today is Christmas. How are you spending your time?As usual, I used the translation app "Deepl" to write this, so please forgive any grammar mistakes😅I was in Ginza for work. The streets of Ginza were decorated with Christmas decorations, but they seemed to be a little more subdued t…
Hello, everyone.It is now 0:30 on December 26th.And I'm in front of Takashimaya, a department store.As usual, I used the translation app "Deepl" to write this, so please forgive any grammar mistakes😅For some reason, there are craftsmen putting up the tree even though Christmas is over on December 25…
Hello, everyone.Today is December 28th, the last day of work for the year 2020.This year started with the coronavirus and ended with the coronavirus. The infection is spreading all over the world, but a vaccine has been developed, so I hope it will be under control by 2021.As usual, I used the trans…
Gyu-don is beef and onion bowl with soy sauce based special sauce. "Don" means bowl dishes in Japanese. For example, katsu-don is fried pork bowl, oyako-don is chicken & egg bowl. The re
For Japanese people, Japanese curry is normally something we make at home. I was 8 when I first made Japanese curry at home by myself! That's how easy you can make Japanese curry at home.
The other day I wanted to make something healthy but going well with wine since it was Friday night. So I decided to try roast pork recipe! Roast pork (or chicken) is one of the healthiest recipe. You
One of the most popular Japanese dishes among Japanese is probably hamburg steak! It's like meatloaf if I try to describe but we put soy sauce-based sauce and eat it with rice as usual.
Have you ever try kabocha? It's Japanese pumpkin and looks similar to pumpkin but is smaller and tastes sweeter. Today I will show you one of my favorite kabocha recipe!
This recipe "sweet & sour pork (subuta)" is originally from China. The Chinese dishes we make at home in Japan are less oily and healthier. So if you are looking something healthy, Japanese-style is the one!
One of my favorite fish is definitely salmon. Since salmon is very tasty and juicy, I normally cook salmon in very simply way which is frying with salt and black pepper or butter. This time I only …
My favorite Korean food is bibimbap (beef, egg, sprouts, spinach over rice with sweet-spicy sauce)! Today's recipe would be Japanese version of this Beef Bowl!
Recently I realize ground meats are easy to cook, can be used for variety of dishes and just have so much potential! I try not to make same dishes everyday. Normally rotation of chicken, pork, fish…
The bowl recipe is easiest cooking and just one bowl makes you fulfilled and happy! I introduced chicken and egg (oyako-don) recipe in previous post but bowl recipe is much more actually!! (You can…
There are a lot of vegetable in America I haven’t seen before in Japan. I really enjoy trying something new to me! The other day I bought brussels sprout at American supermarket. I’m pr…
Whenever I buy asparagus, I make the same recipe all the time; meat-wrapped asparagus. Here is meat-wrapped potato recipe but you can substitute to asparagus. I haven’t really try new recipes…
When I’m busy or very tired after long day, I just made quick one-pan dinner. Sometimes nabe recipe or Japanese white stew or Japanese curry. Another One-Pot Recipe Today I will introduce you…
Miso soup is one of the most important dishes for Japanese people. There are always miso soup, rice and main dish for a meal. I like American style breakfast which is bread or cereal with coffee to…
「hold out on」と「hide」の「意味・表現」の違い・使い方・英語例文 — 何か「情報・貴重なもの」を他の人と共有しない、何かを「視界・知識」から隠し秘密にする
金持ち父さんの問い;Are You Planning To Be Rich or Are You Planning To Be Poor?
This is one of my favorite recipes. As far as I know, everyone likes chicken, potato and cheese (of course not everyone but many people!). So I combine all of them and bake it! Japanese Recipe -lay…
Are you a big fan of pickles? If so, you should definitely try Japanese style pickles! It’s one of the easiest Japanese recipes. I make Japanese pickles quite often. It goes really well with …
I personally like Panda Express (Chinese fast food in America) even though my Chinese friends always say “it’s not Chinese!!” I saw beef and broccoli at Panda Express the other da…
I realize I have introduced only meats recipes for a while. Actually I like fish as much as I like meat! In fact, I really miss good sushi in Japan… Besides sushi, I would say my favorite is …
One of the most famous Japanese dishes is probably Teriyaki sauce series. Teriyaki is go well with EVERYTHING! You can use for meats, fishes or even burgers!! We have Teriyaki burger at McDonald…
In the last post I said Teriyaki series is one of the most famous Japanese dishes. But the recipe I will introduce you today is going to be definitely the other one! You can check out Teriyaki reci…
Recently I’m trying to use my oven more. Back in Japan, I didn’t have one so when I moved to America I was very happy to have it in my new apartment. I just forgot to use it for a while…
I like fried food even though it has a lot of calories. But I didn’t like to make fried dishes at home just because it seemed too much work to clean up kitchen after using of oil. The other d…
Have you tried Japanese pasta? There are a lot kinds of Japanese pasta which is manly made with soy sauce-based sauce. For example, there are uni pasta, Japanese mushroom and spinach, cod roe and c…
This is not traditional Japanese style curry but my very original one which tastes like between Japanese and Indian curry. It has deep tasty flavor but not as spicy as Indian ones. (Japanese tradit…
As you probably already noticed, this blog mainly tells you easy casual Japanese recipes. If you want to try something very easy or you only have limited time, I suggest you to use sliced meat. You…
In Asian countries, we have a lot of types of bowls which is meat, fish or vegetable over rice. Easy to eat, rich in nutrition, many varieties! Bowls are always good idea when you don’t know …
When you buy Japanese bento, you might find this type of egg. Sometimes it tastes a little bit sweet, sometimes tastes dashi. You probably wonder how to make this fried rolled egg. So I will show i…
In Japan we use sliced thin meat very often. They get cooked quickly and go well with pretty much any vegetable. Using sliced thin meat, you can try meat-wrapped recipe! It looks much work but once…
Of all meat, I use chicken at most often. Especially chicken breast is cheap and healthy so I like making something with it. Chicken breast has less fat than other parts of chicken, it sometimes be…
Hi everyone! It’s getting close to winter but hope you are not getting cold or anything. Unfortunately my husband got cold the other day. I’m pretty sure that’s because of out tri…
Have you ever try Japanese curry and rice? I know some American friends who are obsessed with Japanese curry because it’s too good! Besides, it is so easy to make that even Japanese children …
In these a couple days, it’s getting colder in LA. Tokyo is much colder and we even have snow in winter. Since I don’t really like cold weather, I normally spend a lot of time inside in…
When I first saw meatball spaghetti and meatball sandwiches in America, I thought they were really weird. It’s because in Japan meatball is seasoned by Japanese style which is soy sauce based…
A lot of people might wonder how “ketchup rice with egg” tastes like. It’s called omu-rice in Japanese and probably most of Japanese people love it. We made it especially for chil…
ネイティブの先生から英語を覚えるには句動詞Phrasal verbsが大事と言われました。日本では余り浸透していない句動詞という言葉。英会話を勉強するには句動詞が大事です。
フードデリバリー で役立つ英語フレーズ -外国人のお客さんとコミュニケーション!!!
わたしは ルーティンが人間をつくる ルーティンが人間を進化させる と考えています 日々の互いのいろんなルーティンを語りませんか
映画(洋画)好きで、好きな映画の場面で使われている英語のセリフを勉強したい大人向けに発信する情報ブログ。 紹介内容: 映画のプロット ちょっとしたエピソード、トリビア 映画関連のインタビューやコメントなど(英文) 英会話に使えるフレーズや名言もあわせて紹介。