4:12 her performance not only established her as one of the brightest young minds in mathematics but also shattered stereotypes about women ...
0:52 they managed to physically ( 1 word ) the heavy safes up the steep ravine. 彼らは重い金庫を、急峻な渓谷から何とかして力ずくで引き上げた。 Volunteers 'Shocked' After...
13;19 the President also said that it's only natural that some of his critiques see ( 4 words ) behind the arrest of former president dutert...
0:34 the fire that ignited after American Airliner flight 1006 pulled into the gate at Denver's airport sending (1 word) rushing to escape ...
44;58 wow, I get to ( 3 words) . 先陣を務めさせていただきます。 Mt. Yarigatake: Explore the Pinnacle of Japan's Dream Peak - Let's Trek Japan
below ( 4 words ) stretches out ( 7 words ). 眼下に雲の海がどこまでも広がっている Mt. Yarigatake: Explore the Pinnacle of Japan's Dream Peak - Let's Trek Ja...
茨城在住の中国系カナダ人です。 日々の小さいことを大事に思えるような暮らしを目指しています。 Tiny Happy Daysでは私が日々の生活の中で気が付いた小さな幸せをシェアしていきたいと思っています。 よろしくお願いします!
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