4:40 but he's still more active than some people ( 3 words) . ジェームズ・ブローリンは彼の半分の年齢の人たちよりもまだまだ活動的だ。 James Brolin on love of work, and love o...
5;17 she thanks him for taking care of her and ( 4 words ). The mafia attacked a woman, so this old retired hitman is back to his lethal w...
3:25 this is an opportunity to ( 4 words ). Jake, this is as much a test for chief justice John Roberts as it is for donald trump. トランプの大統領選...
Lucky the Onigiri fairy / おにぎり妖精のラッキー
English There is an island full of delicious vegetables and fruits called Fruvege (Fruit & Vegetable) Island. Healthy vegetables, fruits and animals are living there. Lucky the onigiri (rice ball) fairy lives at Yummy Forest on Fruvege Island. Along with her best friend Happy, she helps out with Bob and Charlie's food truck. More! Lucky
Happy the Onigiri fairy / おにぎり妖精のハッピー
English There is an island full of delicious vegetables and fruits called Fruvege (Fruit & Vegetable) Island. Healthy vegetables, fruits and animals are living there. Happy the onigiri (rice ball) fairy lives at Yummy Forest on Fruvege Island. Along with her best friend Lucky, she helps out with Bob and Charlie's food truck. More! Happy
Dolly the Dragon fairy / ドラゴン妖精のドリー
English There is an island full of delicious vegetables and fruits called Fruvege (Fruit & Vegetable) Island. Healthy vegetables, fruits and animals are living there. Dolly has come to Fruvege Island in the year of the Dragon and lives at Mystery Mountain. More! Frogbetty Birthday: November 23 Sagittarius Hobbies: Collecting minerals and visiting ruins Favourite
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