Repression against Dr. Atsushi Matsuura who criticized NTT.
Atsushi Matsuura, who criticized NTT Hospital, was forced to resign as a doctor and was responsible for paperwork.
美大出身デザイナーが、文字通り英語ペラペラになるまで英語で書いてるブログ。 主に英語日記ダヨ Writing every day if possible.
旅日記を英語で書いています。I visited 73 countries. Memories can be getting hazy with time, so I will write it down as travel memoirs.
Japanese Woman's Studying Abroad in Malaysia
I will be sharing my experiences and insights as a Japanese woman studying in Malaysia.
Hannah loves fashion, cosmetics, anime, all things girly, and her sheltie<3
The revolution of the four seasons in Japan
Walks and Trips with Sachiki-san
Higetoshi posts memories of the places visited with Sachiki-san, a Samoyed dog, on walks and trips.
「英語ブログ」 カテゴリー一覧(参加人数順)