2:57 she says it's starting to ( 3 words )what was lost revenue-wise. she now knows she has a bigger and more loyal customer base that she c...
6:45 so I'm going to deal with your brilliant political analysis in a minute, because that he's running as an outlaw is so ( 1 word ). あなた...
5:00 so she ( 3 words ). ケイティ・ブリット共和党議員は気軽に嘘をつく。 Almost in tears, lunatic Katie Britt admits to CRITICAL mistake in SOTU response 参考リン...
Phat Kaphrao Gai (Gapao Gai Rice) / パッガパオガイ (ガパオライス)
Let’s know about Phat Kaphrao Gai! / パッガパオガイを知ろう! Pat What kind of food are we going to talk about today? 今日は、どんな料理について話す? Yuko I want to eat Phat Kaphrao Gai. パッガパオガイが食べたいなぁ。 Pat It's a famous Thai rice dish, isn't is? In Japan, we arrange it and call it Gapao rice. タイの有名なライス料理だよね?日本では、アレンジしてガパオライスって言うね。 Yuko Yes, holy basil and
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